There is an audience of people who are confused by stress and unsure of its origins. Often, we avoid confronting the situations that trigger us, especially when they push us to think deeply. Stress can infiltrate the body and wreak havoc on your mental and emotional well-being, disrupting your energy field (aura). It can impact you to such an extent that you may find yourself imagining life-threatening scenarios. There are many words that are often associated with stress, such as “trauma,” “anxiety,” “depression,” “challenges,” “obstacles,” and many more. Let’s break down the fundamental causes of stress, focusing on the past, future, your eating habits, and the energy you surround yourself with. The concept of “stress” must be redefined—it cannot simply be redirected.
When I first encountered the early stages of stress, I didn’t recognize it for what it was. Stress is when you can’t think clearly or remain in alignment with your goals, causing a pause in progress. It often arises when you’re too fixated on the past or overly anxious about the future. There is no true middle ground. Allow me to clarify this for you. You can also feel stressed in the present moment, but this typically happens when you believe your current actions or circumstances will have significant, negative consequences on your future. You may also feel stressed when you regret your present decisions. In this case, you’re not simply stressed—you’re caught in a state of worry. Let’s pause and rethink how we use the term “stress.”
• Worrying is a form of stress. It’s easy to tell someone, “Don’t worry,” or “Don’t stress out,” but in practice, this is one of the hardest things to achieve.
I could tell you to block out thoughts of the past and future, but that would not be the most effective approach. You must learn to live with both your past and your future; these two dimensions shape your everyday life. The past helps you understand what’s right and wrong, guiding your decisions based on past experiences. The future helps you define your direction and set goals. The present moment receives the influence of both the past and future, and you are the navigator of your present reality..

How the Food You Eat Affects Your Mind and Body: The Impact of Stagnant Fear and Stress
The food we consume daily is the fuel we use to nourish both our minds and bodies. But what if I told you that eating a chicken sandwich could lead to a type of stress called stagnant fear? This is the kind of stress that causes indecision and anxiety, making it difficult to focus or make clear choices.
How Processed Foods and Chemicals Affect Your Health
The ingredients in common foods, especially those you might not be aware of, can have a profound negative impact on your well-being. Chicken, for instance, is often consumed without considering the underlying effects it may have. Chickens, like all animals, have lives and energy. Some believe that animals like chickens, cows, and turkeys are soulless—this is one reason why people justify eating them.
However, everything living has energy and vibration, and once the animal is killed, its energy can be transferred. The stress and fear experienced by the animal during its final moments are also passed on, potentially affecting those who consume it.
The Connection Between Animal Energy and Human Health
Spirit, by definition, is “the breath we take.” When you breathe, it signifies you have a spirit. Animals, just like humans, experience fear, and when they are slaughtered, they likely go into a state of panic. This energy—associated with fear, stress, and suffering—can enter our bodies when we consume animal products, especially if the animals were treated poorly before slaughter.
It’s essential to consider how animals are treated before purchasing their flesh. In many commercial farms, animals are subjected to conditions that promote fear and stress, which can impact the quality of the food we eat. This energy, combined with chemicals like antibiotics and hormones, can affect our mental and physical health.
The Impact of Processed Foods on Mental Health
In addition to animal products, processed foods also contain harmful chemicals that can trigger various mental health issues, including ADHD, anxiety, and stress. Sugar is one of the most common culprits, and it’s found in many processed foods under different names, including white sugar, cane sugar, and brown sugar. In fact, there are over 250-2,000 different names for sugar, making it difficult to avoid. Additionally, artificial food dyes and preservatives can lead to organ damage and contribute to mental health disorders.
By choosing healthier, whole foods, you can reduce the harmful effects of these chemicals and support better mental and physical well-being.
The Benefits of Fasting to Reboot Your Body and Mind
One powerful way to reset your body and mind is through fasting. Fasting allows your body to detoxify, giving it the opportunity to repair and rejuvenate. Here are some popular types of fasting:
• Dry Fasting: Fasting for 1-3 days, or 3-7 days, with no food or water.
• Water Fasting: Fasting with minimal water intake and no solid food.
• Liquid Fasting: Fasting with minimal intake of liquids, such as water or herbal teas, without solid food.
• Fruit Fast: Consuming only fruits for a set period, once or multiple times a day.
Fasting helps to reboot your system and can be done with or without the aid of herbs. Experimenting with fasting can help you determine which methods best support your health goals.
How to Improve Your Mental Clarity and Well-Being
The food you eat plays a crucial role in your mental clarity, energy levels, and overall well-being. If you’re consuming foods that the body doesn’t recognize or can’t process properly, it will be harder for your mind and spirit to function at their best.
By incorporating healthy, whole foods and considering mindful eating practices like fasting, you can support your body in managing stress and improving mental clarity.
Conclusion: Reclaim Your Health and Well-Being
The next time you sit down to eat, consider how your food affects not only your physical health but also your mental and spiritual well-being. By making more conscious food choices and experimenting with fasting, you can create a lifestyle that supports both your body and your mind. Don’t underestimate the power of what you put into your body—it’s your fuel for life.
We live in a world where we are surrounded by different energies daily, and it is something that is difficult to avoid—very difficult, unless you live deep in a large grassland with no phone, internet, or TV. Since we were born, we have been surrounded by frequencies that slowly erode our peace of mind, more and more every day that we live and breathe. As we get older, we become more conscious of how our emotions and logic interact with how we have been brought up to perceive and comprehend the world.
When you are surrounded by different friends and family from birth, experiencing all of their joys and traumas, people give you ideas and advice on things they themselves cannot experience with you and never will be able to. We have to acknowledge the energy we surround ourselves with and completely understand (or overstand) the situations we find ourselves in, especially if they play a key role in the way we move on our own path or journey, however we may call it. If the energy disrupts us, we must create a stronger boundary in our minds. If they can enter your mind, they can control it—and they will stress you out to do so. They have to traumatize you, make you worry about things and situations that we cannot control. If the energy cannot be controlled by you, let the energy control itself while you work on your own mind.
You aren’t “stressed out”—you are being “challenged.” Let’s change the word and witness how your outlook will change. You can separate yourself from the negative energy that applies pressure to where you feel stress in your brain. Once you learn to take control of your own mind, you can accept the challenges that the outside world forces upon you.
So let’s change the word entirely. The word “stress” is only a negative label that paints your current vibration—one that doesn’t exist until you make it exist. If you say you are stressed, then you will be stressed. It is only in your awareness because it was introduced to you. If we, as kids, had all been taught to look at obstacles in the present moment as challenges, it would change the way we turn necessary, canon events from “stressful” to “enlightening.” As it is supposed to be, we were introduced to these negative words by negative entities we are often unaware of. Just ask yourself the question before fully indulging..
Stress does not exist, we just create it for ourselves…
Father Chukwu IG: Father_chukwu
TikTok: Father_Chukwu
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